Dental veneers

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are a popular solution in improving the appearance of teeth from minor misalignment, correcting size and shape of teeth or discoloration. Veneers are either made from composite material or porcelain.  Here at Siam Station Dental Clinic, we offer both ceramic-based or composite- based veneers.

Porcelain or ceramic closely mimics natural teeth. It is high resistant from scratches, and breakage. It does not become porous overtime and it does not absorb water and stains from coffee, tea, soft drinks or from smoking

Composite veneer is relatively durable and finishes naturally and is cheaper than ceramic or porcelain. It can imitate the color of natural teeth, and if it is chipped or cracked, in some cases, it could still be repaired unlike porcelain veneer. However, long-term this material will absorb water which makes it porous and dull looking. Also, if tooth is too dark it is recommended to use porcelain or ceramic, than composite.

For more information on treatment procedure and duration, please send us your inquiries at


   Dental Veneers