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compassion international lgbt

More recently, the Alliance Defense Fund / Alliance Defending Freedom has become a leader in the American Christian rights international export and encouragement of anti-LGBT legislation. The AoG statement also suggests that AIDS may be a punishment from God and states, Former homosexuals describe a disgusting lifestyle of perversion and sexual obsession., According to the AoG statement One of the myths propounded by pro-homosexual advocates is that homosexual orientation is genetically determined and that people have no choice in the matter. The First Academy (of Central Florida) 2007 315,000 Reese is author of the book Freedom Tools For Overcoming Lifes Tough Problems (2008, Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group). frontline church partners, we provide children with the opportunity to rise above their Alliance Defense Fund / Alliance Defending Freedom, Association of Christian Schools International, Council For Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Church Quake! Focus on the Family founder and longtime head Dr. James Dobson has long been an enthusiastic endorser of Summit Ministries, which sells Christian worldview teaching materials and runs a worldview summer camp for youth. Its not completed yet, we just stole it from the printer, this week, and it was faxed to us in a hurry, just to get it here so we at least could have something to show you. Traditional Values Coalition During his March 2008 visit to Uganda to promote his Purpose Driven program in Uganda, Warren told Orombi and other Ugandan religious leaders that Homosexuality is not a natural way of life and thus not a human right. Institute in Basic Life Principles Georgia Family Council In his 1986 book Kingdoms At War: Tactics For Victory In Nine Spiritual War Zones, Bright openly endorsed both the theocratic Coalition on Revival (see: http://www.reformation.net/) and the writings of top Christian Reconstructionists including R. J. Rushdoony. Focus on the Family 2007 5,000 2012 6,000, Prison Fellowship Ministries (EIN numbers 62-0988294 and 51-0247185), 2001 631,200 3012 32,900, Illinois Family Institute (EIN 37-126588), The Illinois Family Institute is one of twelve organizations funded by the National Christian Foundation since 2001 that is on a Southern Poverty Law Center list of groups which pump out demonizing propaganda aimed at homosexuals and other sexual minorities according to a 2010 SPLC report ( http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2010/winter/the-hard-liners ), 2001 4,600 In response to these issues we draw attention to the following Biblical teaching and its RPI is the Parent ministry of College of Prayer, which works with Ugandan Julius Oyet, professed co-author of the Ugandan Anti Homosexuality Bill. 2002 0 2012 0 Job specializations: Nursing. the gays whom I employ seem happy, then how does one respond to the happy employee who just married his or her horse? The same document cites Leviticus 20:13: If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. The Christian Legal Society has partnered with the (NCF-funded) Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly Alliance Defense Fund) in the Christian Legal Society v. Martinez case which came before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2010. 2011 100 2012 236,763, Watoto Child Care Ministry (EIN 59-3445250). [26] Compassion said that attempts were made to force the ministry to divert funding to non-Christian Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh groups. 2003 (ORU MIssion) $150 Compassion follows an in-depth process of investigation, analysis and research for God's direction to expand into new countries and communities. As described in the World Evangelical Alliance book Doing Member Care Well: Perspectives and practices From Around the World (page 153, edited by Kelly ODonnell, 2002, World Evangelical Alliance Missions Commission), AIM has focused especially on building missions infrastructure, including a partnership with the Wycliffe Bible Translators/SIL (also heavily funded by the National Christian Foundation): Africa Inland Mission has historically had a vision to provide services for the broader missions community of like- minded mission agencies in East Africa. church. Stemberger has stated that Florida LGBT activists working for a Jacksonville sexual nondiscrimination ordinance are a radical group of political operatives who want to force their aberrant views on human sexuality upon the rest of society by the mandate and penalty of law. (see: http://www.glaad.org/blog/who-john-stemberger-and-whats-really-driving-his-boy-scouts-crusade). We must never appear to be mean-spirited or bigoted. We want our program to be effective, so we monitor the child development centers to make sure they are making a difference in the lives of the children we serve. 2012 11,200 In his book Angels of Light, Powers of Darkness: Thinking Biblically About Satan, Angels & Principalities (Intervarsity Press, 1998), Stephen F. Noll writes, on page 12, Pentecostal teaching gained a considerable boost among mainstream evangelicals when C. Peter Wagner of the U.S. Center For World Missions began to speak of a battle with territorial spirits as a necessary part of Christian mission. Noll concurs with Wagner: hedging out the demons is a particular responsibility of the church in its mission strategy and its inner discipline. (pp. 2008 30,000 Box 22429, Robinsdale, MN 55422-0429 (www.outpostministries.org), To give special status or rights to those choosing the personally and socially destructive homosexual lifestyle is to approve and endorse that behavior, and inevitably to spread it. 2010 11,605 As chronicled by GLAAD (see: https://www.glaad.org/cap/indiana-curt-smith), President of the Indiana Family Institute Curt Smith, In the forward to the 2009 Luis Bush/Transform-World book The 4/14 Window: Raising Up A New Generation To Transform The World, which is published by Compassion International, Wess Stafford, longtime head of the Compassion International aid and development charity, describes the need to target children 4-14 years old for indoctrination as 20th Century political movements such as Nazism and communism have done. That support 2011 32,300 2008 130,000 Phillips referred to R.J. Rushdoony as his spiritual mentor. 2008 1,120,500 Some seemed transfixed; some spoke in tongues, The Rev. Children are welcome to participate in a Compassion-assisted child development center regardless of their faith. 2008 2,000 You can write your child a letter at write.compassion.com. 2012 10,000, The Family Foundation of Kentucky (EIN 61-1167112). The National Christian Foundations biggest grant to RPI, in 2009, corresponds with heavy College of Prayer organizing in Uganda. My life is true confirmation that God has a plan for each one of us and has 2002 3,000 2006 197,000 It is an abomination. I want to invite you to declare no to sodomy, every one of you. Frontline Fellowship (also see entry on sister ministry In Touch Missions International) is a ministry of Peter Hammond, listed as a current Coalition on Revival Steering Committee member. 2005 5,000 Who is the CEO of Compassion International? Methods: Participants ( N = 558; Mage = 22.4, SD = 5.4) were recruited for the study through online-based . 2005 10,800 2010 171,149 Since the primary purpose of marriage is the procreation and nurturing of children, marriage can only be the union of a man and a woman. 2002 26,250 (see: http://www.kansas.com/2014/02/13/3287827/susan-wagle-bill-that-allows-service.html), William P. Mumma, President of the Becket Fund, serves on the ARFP advisory board (see: http://www.religiousfreedom.org/about_us/page/board-of-advisors), 2001 25,000 To go to the entry for any given organization, clink on the links below. 2001 700 2001 21,000 2012 1,000 Lesbian, bisexual, and queer women are victims of targeted sexual violence in some countries. Over the last decade ADF lawyers emerged in the forefront of legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in states across the nation. One of the most effective Christian movements in the late 60s and early 70s was the Christian World Liberation Front at the University of California, Berkeley. Another board member of MLM is Ted Baehr, on the current board of the theocratic Coalition on Revival, whose members are pledge to give their lives, if necessary, to impose biblical law in all sectors of society. Current E&PPC fellow Herb Schlossberg who served as a Fieldsteads program director during the 1990s, conceived the master religious right plan for fighting organized homosexuality that was presented at The Gathering in 1997. 2009 90,000 Our holistic child development model is delivered Hope for The Hearts downloadable PDF resource on homosexuality ( http://www.hopefortheheart.org/pdfs/OLQR-pr-Homosexuality.pdf ) attributes male same-sex attraction to stereotypical, cliches such as Failure to identify with his weak or absent father Viewing his father as weak and powerless and his mother as overpowering. Indiana Family Institute Cameron dresses up his studies with copious footnotes, graphs and charts, and then pays to publish them in certain journals. ( http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/profiles/paul-cameron ), 2006 12,000 We believe in God. 2013 33,125. 2002 22,450 Truth In Action 2011 5,005,293 child sponsorship is THE most effective long-term development intervention for helping the 2008 53,100 Writing for Freedom Writer, journalist Mike Shaver described (see: http://www.publiceye.org/ifas/fw/9408/gleneyrie.html) the presentation of Focus on the Family leader John Eldredge who outlined a stealth strategy in which national-level organizations such as Focus on The Family would operate through state and local proxy groups: John Eldridge, the first speaker, brought greetings and warm regards from Dr. Dobson of Focus on the Family. Dr. Palau has spoken at The Fellowship associated events such as The Gathering and was a featured speaker at a 2012 Atlanta, GA event commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the National Christian Foundation (see: https://vimeo.com/54365578 ). 2007 15,000 2004 245,445 ( 50K AFA Radio ) 2004 40,000 Beisner was also general editor for the worldview documents, on how to implement biblical law in all spheres of society, produced by the theocratic Coalition on Revival. practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person" (p. 1). 2008 817,000 In 2012 the Liberty Counsel agreed to represent evangelist Scott Lively in a lawsuit filed by the NYC-based Center For Constitutional Rights, on behalf of the Ugandan gay rights group SMUG (Sexual Minorities Uganda). Harvest Evangelism including the International Society for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses (2010), the National Association of School Nurses (2017), and the National . Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history., Domestic Policy, and the battle against LGBT rights. One close colleague of David Noebel has been Christian Reconstructionist Peter Hammond who might be characterized as South Africas Scott Lively. But neither they nor their families are under any compulsion to become Christians. 2010 79,325 Trinity Academy The late Howard Phillips, Doug Phillips father and founder of the Christian Reconstructionism-linked Taxpayers Party, later renamed the Constitution Party, served as a co-director of Vision Forum Ministries. 2. 7. Christian Anti Defamation Commission 2007 127,000 2012 5,100 A person then either tries to arrange their life in reaction to, or avoidance of, these painful areas 2007 113,200 2005 4,600,955 (http://www.transform-world.net/newsletters/2013/Global414Summit.pdf). In 1997 at The Gathering, Schmierer led a session during which he and other anti-LGBT rights strategists including Herb Schlossberg outlined a mutli-dimensional strategy to combat organized homosexuality. 2002 88,000 Food For the Hungry leadership participated in the 1987 Villars Consultation, which helped map out a Christian Reconstructionism-inspired vision for evangelical aid and economic development efforts that grew and flourished (with the help of US government funding) over the subsequent three decades. advised (see: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/religious-freedom-origin-story) the Kansas state legislature in the creation of Kansas House Bill 2453. . 2010 1,581 (Bethel Church, no EIN provided) 2013 39,150, Institute in Basic Life Principles (EIN 36-6108515). 2006 22,200 Spavia provides a family culture with respect, compassion and work/life balance where both our guests and team can relax, escape and thrive. 2003 40,705 2008 432,000 2009 5,350 2008 4,248 11% of Compassion International management is Hispanic or Latino. What follows is a summary of the information contained in Livelys book, Scott Lively has made repeated appearances on AFA Radio, including a 2013 appearance with the AFAs Sandy Rios, during which Lively claimed that the biblical flood was Gods punishment for the writing of wedding songs to homosexual marriage. The AFA is classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT hate group (see: http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/groups/american-family-association). Freedom in Christ Ministries 2012 0 2011 277,260 All Rights Reserved. According to its website, AI informally links 30,000 advocates and jurists in 156 nations through 100 national Christian lawyer groups linked by six regional networks. (see: http://www.advocatesinternational.org/content/brief-overview-advocacy-1991-2010). 2010 421,600 Henry Orombi, former Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, served as Chancellor of Uganda Christian University from 2004-1012. In a 2011 op-ed, Dr. David Noebel (who stepped down from heading Summit Ministries that year) railed against Obama and his radical homosexual mafia plan to sodomize the world and make such perversion seem as wholesome as apple pie and vanilla ice cream. (see: http://www.worldviewweekend.com/worldview-times/article.php?articleid=7843). 2002 2,284 One project of the Indiana Family Institute has been the Indiana Pastors Alliance (see: http://www.hoosierfamily.org/indiana-pastors-alliance) which, Oyet himself claims to have helped co-author the bill. How many countries does Compassion work in? Oral Roberts University

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compassion international lgbt